爱思画笔X是流行的多功能绘图应用程序,作为一个系列,总下载量超过 2 亿次,它提供了 15000 多种画笔、7600 多种材料、1000 多种字体、80 种滤镜、46 种网纹、27 种混合模式、记录绘图过程、描边稳定功能,各种标尺功能,例如径向线标尺或对称标尺,以及剪贴蒙版功能。
- 平滑,最大60 fps刷
- G笔,笔,数码笔,气刷,圆刷,铅笔,油画颜料,木炭,蜡笔,邮票等超过15,000种画笔图案
- 各种画笔参数,例如开始/结束厚度、开始/结束不透明度和初始/最终画笔角度
- 快速滑块,刷子厚度和刷子不透明度准备好操作
- 爱思画笔X可以实时检查的画笔预览
- 可无限添加的图层功能
- 混合模式,例如每层不透明度,alpha混合,加法,减法,乘法
- 爱思画笔X的剪切功能,便于剪裁图像
- 各种图层命令,如图层复制,从照片库导入,左/右反转,颠倒,图层旋转,移动,缩放
- 图层名称设置功能,用于图层识别
- 全文工具功能,支持垂直书写,水平书写,修剪,字体选择,多文本
- 46种屏幕色调功能,如点,噪声,水平,垂直,对角线,十字,方形等。
- 选择范围,每像素 256 级(选择层)
- 在选择范围内翻转、移动、旋转、放大、缩小
- 画笔、填充、复制图层、组合图层、移动图层、旋转、缩放,考虑选择范围
- 从调色板中选择,对注册数量没有限制,从色调圆圈中选择,从HSB中选择,从RGB中选择,丰富的颜色选择
- 通过拖放到调色板保存
- 点击并按住吸管功能
- 用于绘制图形等的标尺工具功能(以前的标尺,圆形标尺,椭圆标尺,浓度线标尺)
- 80种滤镜功能,包括亮度·对比度,色彩平衡,线条提取,灰度,渐变,模糊,渐变,动画背景,漫画背景,色差
- 爱思画笔X的材料工具功能,可以使用7,600点或更多的纹理和色调
- 除了各种画布尺寸,如SD,HD,Twitter标题,明信片,可选的画布尺寸规格功能
- 画布的任意旋转功能
- 背景颜色(白色,明亮透明,深色透明)设置功能
- “取消”“撤消”功能最多100步或更多(取决于存储的可用空间。)
- 刷子,橡皮擦,指尖工具,模糊工具,填充和吸管功能
- 快速,流畅的平移和缩放功能
- 我的画廊功能,以欣赏我的插图
- 绘图过程的播放功能(具有播放速度调整功能)
- 导出功能到插图静止图像(PNG / JPEG)和电影(MP4)照片库
- 绘图过程电影编码功能和上传功能
- 分享您在Twitter或Facebook上发布的图片网址
- 评论来说明时推送通知
- 下载另一个人的插图功能(工作文件)
- 爱思画笔X的收集功能,以欣赏其他人的插图
- 通过PC和Mac的USB文件传输导入和导出功能文件
- 能够将静止图像(PNG / JPEG),电影(MP4),工作文件(IPV)共享到Twitter,Facebook,LINE等。
- CLIP STUDIO PAINT连接功能(ibis Paint通过云绘制的延续可以使用CLIP STUDIO PAINT绘制)
[New Features]
- Added AI Example feature to the View menu.
[Fixed Bugs and Problems]
- Fixed an issue which causes crash when opening the canvas screen if the brush preview image failed to be deleted.
- Fixed a bug where the wait indicator would not disappear when the purchase page was closed.
[New Features in ver.11.1.0]
- Added the ability to login with ibisAccount.
- Added the ability to change the brush width with Ctrl + Alt + drag.
- Added the ability to change the brush width with "[" and "]" keys.
- Added “Z” key + drag to zoom in and out the canvas.
- Added “R” key + drag to rotate the canvas.
[New Features in ver.11.0.0]
- Added Animation function.
- Added Brush Search function.
- Added Material Search function.
- Added "Background Removal" filter to the "AI" filter category.
- Added "Spin Blur" filter to the "Blur" filter category.
- Added "Retro Game" filter to the "Artistic" filter category.
- Added "History" category to filter and adjustment layers.
[New Features]
- Added Animation function.
- Added Brush Search function.
- Added Material Search function.
- Added "Background Removal" filter to the "AI" filter category.
- Added "Spin Blur" filter to the "Blur" filter category.
- Added "Retro Game" filter to the "Artistic" filter category.
[Improvements, Changes]
- Changed so that the Transform tool can be launched when the current layer is an Adjustment Layer of "Draw" filters.
- Changed so that text and frames can be added even when the current layer an Adjustment Layer.
- Changed to recommend playback restoration after automatic restoration in certain cases where it will be difficult to restore the artwork in the future.
- Removed the limitation that prevented cloud synchronization after automatic restoration of artworks containing Adjustment Layers.
[New Features]
- Added keyboard shortcuts to select Brush and Eraser tools.
[Improvements, Changes]
- Improved so that "_Restored" given to the artwork name after playback restoration is not duplicated.
[Fixed Bugs and Problems]
- Fixed a bug in which tapping outside of the Artwork Information window did not close the window.
- Fixed a bug that the window would remain when using keyboard shortcuts while displaying certain popups (Strength slider for Liquify Pen, brush change for Copy Pen, layer change for Copy Pen, color selection for Stabilizer tool).
[Improvements, Changes]
- Improved alert when the Transform tool is selected on a vector layer such as a text layer.
- Changed so that the results can be toasted when saving a file.
[Fixed Bugs and Problems]
- Fixed a bug that sometimes caused incorrect results when applying Invent Color filter on the Selection Layer.
- Fixed dialog choices when importing PSD files.
- Fixed bugs when reordering artworks in My Gallery, when scrolling, and when using multi-touch.
- Fixed a bug that prevented saving when selecting "Save to Device" for sharing when exporting artwork and settings files.
- Fixed a bug that layer images may become black-and-white noise on some devices when zooming in/out, etc.
[Improvements, Changes]
- Changed the shape of the ">" and "<" buttons in the Color and Brush windows to square.
- Narrowed the margin between the "Basic, Custom, Online" button and the brush list in the Brush window.
- Narrowed the top, bottom, left and right margins when displaying the "✓" and "✗" buttons.
- Some improvements with SonarPen support.
[Fixed Bugs and Problems]
- Fixed a bug that caused some tutorials to be displayed even if the tutorial display was set to skip.
- Fixed choices in window to confirm import of PSD files.